
Todi Apartments

The town of Todi has a millenary history. From the Umbrians to the Romans, all have left traces in this tiny town of central Umbria.

Todi is the right place to start to explore Umbria.

Quirinus Colonus narrated in his "Historia Tudertina" the legendary origins of the city;this beautiful legend, telling about an eagle, inspired the Tuderti in the middle of the '200 to create the banner of the medieval free town just represented by an eagle holding a tablecloth in its claws and two eaglets under its wings, which remember Amelia and Terni, submitted to Todi.

During the Restoration until the Unification of Italy (1848-1860), many Tuderti followed the new libertarian ideas becoming part of secret societies like the Carbonari and Young Italy.

In July 1849 Giuseppe Garibaldi stayed in Todi for three days, and here his wife Anita left his "Argentina"-style saddle, now housed in the municipal museum, and replaced it with another more convenient one ,given by a craftsman saddler.

The big cypress that stands on Piazza Garibaldi was planted on that occasion.